Wednesday, April 11, 2007

And they're cleaning...

I knew it was too good to last. My kids have been getting along for the past 3 days. Today they are cleaning their rooms already. lol. My theory is if they have energy to fight they've got energy to clean. Big meany huh? I could be just grouchy cause of the canker sore (%&*#@ AGAIN!!) and a massive headache. But the fighting has got to stop before *I* lose it. Got to make a bunch of phone calls today (benefits and such) and we're supposed to go visit Grandma but we'll see. Hoping to go to Edmonton tomorrow to take the kids to galaxyland to play but we'll see. Depends on how the rest of the day goes.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Hey Rebecca, you've been tagged. Go look on my blog and follow along :)