Wednesday, April 16, 2008

so tired of being tired

Ok I get the fact that with only 5 weeks to go I'm going to be tired but geez! I wake up in the morning and I'm ready to go back to bed. Plus the fact that I have 2 sleep positions to choose doesn't make for a restful sleep. Its a good thing that stuff is almost in the completed stages around here. The kids' new rooms have both been painted and Ron and I are so thankful my dad is coming this weekend to help install the carpets. After that its just a matter of moving furniture. I feel so bad for Ron as he's doing all of this moving on his own (well all the heavy stuff) but I'm getting anxious to be able to set up the baby's room. I'll be taking pictures this weekend of the carpet installation and then post about the new prepared for some serious color. You head down the hallway in the basement and get to see a distinctive glow coming from each bedroom which have been appropriately nicknamed the "frog room" and the "cotton candy room"


~Kennie~ said...

Looking forward to seeing your photos Rebecca! I bet the frog and cotton candy rooms look fantastic! Your kiddos will love their new spaces!

I hope you're able to get as much rest as you can over the next few weeks, don't forget to relax a few times a day too! Your little one won't know that something may not be in his room when he comes home from the hospital.

Adrienne said...

I can't wait to see pictures too Rebecca!!! It's so exciting, soon everything will be ready :)