Saturday, May 03, 2008

apparently I'm nesting

or so my mom says. I'm just thrilled to be getting a bunch of stuff done and organized. The kids' rooms are done, including the baby's room. All that needs be done in his room is to set up the baby monitor and wash his new sleepers. I'm so anxious to do some scrapbooky/decorations for all of their rooms but I'm a bit held up by the fact that I don't have a scrapbooking space right now. Heck I don't even know where half of my stuff is! I'm going to see if I can convince Ron to set up my desk today, then at least I can start organizing my stuff. It'll be like Christmas all over again especially going through all the bags of stuff that I've gotten over the last 3 months. Just because I didn't have a room didn't mean that I didn't shop ;) I didn't realize how stiffled I was with my creativity without a space of my own. Dragging out some of my stuff to try and create doesn't work well for me.

On to baby news...he's still baking, lol! I've got 2 weeks until my due date and so far I'm feeling ok, some contractions but nothing regular. My doctor checked my yesterday and I'm dilated 1 cm and feeling "soft" but it will be a week or so still. This is fine for me, gives me more time for naps :) I went and got some maternity pictures done this week with a friend of mine. I had lots of fun but was I tired! I'm anxious to see how the pictures turned out. Thank goodness Chantelle can photoshop out stretch marks! After 2 other pregnancies a smooth belly is not always in the making. Of course, I got more stretch marks with Ethan than any of the other 2. He paved the way.

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