Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Abby!

Can't believe my baby girl is 6!! These pictures are so Abby!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Finally a moment to breathe!

So having 3 kids is a lot of work, thankfully Ron has been wonderful. Besides taking the older ones out to play or just taking Owen so I can go to the bathroom he's been finishing or cooking supper more times than I can count. School will be out in a week and a half and I'm expecting a different schedule already. We'll see how it works out. So far Owen is still quite the novelty for Ethan and Abby. Just wait till he starts getting into their toys!

I love big baby yawns!
Finally a picture with his eyes open. So far they are dark blue just like Abby's were. I don't expect them to stay blue but change to brown. Though Ethan's eyes seemed to change almost right away because I don't remember them being blue.

Love love love this onesie! It was a gift from a special friend who will be greatly missed when she moves :(

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

While you were sleeping...

As pictures :) check out that face!!

Mommy should have been doing something more productive! But its been so long since I could just enjoy a cup of coffee (which tastes *so* good right now!) and surf the net that I just couldn't help myself. Plus there are always new pictures to share.

I have to say that both Ethan and Abby were pretty good babies...once we got Ethan's eating thing figured out. But right now Owen has them beat. He is such a content little guy. Its rare that he fusses and when he does he calms down quickly when wrapped in a blanket. He sleeps well, only getting up once a night. Plus he eats like a champ! Ouch! We went and got him weighed yesterday and he's gaining really well. By this Thursday he'll be 2 weeks old (gasp!) and he's supposed to be at his birth weight of 8lbs 5 oz. As of yesterday he's 8lbs 10oz. So he's doing super.

The kids are still in excited can't believe we have a baby mode. Plus with school winding down they are just in a buzz. Between field trips, graduation for Abby and track and field, we've been pretty busy. In a way it will be nice to have them home on summer break because then I don't have to worry about lunches and proper bedtimes or prying kids out of their beds in the morning. But I will miss my time with just Owen. Things are so quiet around here when its just him and I. When Ethan and Abby come home the noise level jumps!

I'm personally doing quite well. At first I was a bit tired and grouchy about all this extra baby weight (yuck) but its starting to come off which is really nice. I gained a whopping 48lbs with Owen, thankfully 33lbs is off already. I'd like to loose another 10 past my pre-pregnancy weight so I've got a little ways to go. But because I can't really "diet" while nursing, I'm just cutting out all junk food and processed food and sticking to lots of fresh veggies, fruits, lean meats and low fat dairy. All my carbs are multigrain and in moderation. Soon I'll be able to start exercising and hopefully that will help get me back into shape. I'm convinced that those "baby blues" that all the books talk about are mostly women sad/grouchy/depressed about how they look after baby is born.