Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Finally a moment to breathe!

So having 3 kids is a lot of work, thankfully Ron has been wonderful. Besides taking the older ones out to play or just taking Owen so I can go to the bathroom he's been finishing or cooking supper more times than I can count. School will be out in a week and a half and I'm expecting a different schedule already. We'll see how it works out. So far Owen is still quite the novelty for Ethan and Abby. Just wait till he starts getting into their toys!

I love big baby yawns!
Finally a picture with his eyes open. So far they are dark blue just like Abby's were. I don't expect them to stay blue but change to brown. Though Ethan's eyes seemed to change almost right away because I don't remember them being blue.

Love love love this onesie! It was a gift from a special friend who will be greatly missed when she moves :(


~Kennie~ said...

Owen sure has grown Rebecca! I love ALL your new photos. Your new son is so precious and you can just feel the love he's getting from his older siblings. What a beautiful family!

Adrienne said...

Looks like Ethan and Abby are loving the time they get looking at their little baby move around :) Cohen started smiling last week, and now they are all over him all the time again ;) Ron is awesome to be helping so much, and you are lucky! Rene had to work so much this month that the last 6 days that he was HOME was SOOO nice :)