Tuesday, September 09, 2008

First day of school

This was one happy day!! Seriously. Abby was thrilled to start school and Ethan kept himself to a reserved grin. He's been through this first day thing so many times that I think he's just used to it.
My little monkeys who aren't so little anymore. Ethan is starting Grade 5 and Abby is in Grade 1. Where the time when I have no idea.
Surprisingly enough they love going on the bus. I'm fortunate that they are the last ones picked up and the first ones dropped off. They are on the bus for such a short period of time that its still fun.
Lucky mommy got to spend the whole day with this little sweetie.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

awwwwwwww Owen's smile is so sweet in that last one! Great first day of school pictures, and I like your new blog header :)