Monday, September 08, 2008

What a crazy 2 weeks!

So the weekend before school started we decided to go visit Matt and Nicki and take the kids to the zoo. We hadn't gone since Abby was 2 so she doesn't really remember anything, except for what she sees in pictures. The kids had a great time. Abby was running and exploring everything, I swear she is part mountian goat, climbing on rocks and hills. But she loved every minute of it.

The kids and Auntie Nicki taking a break by the elephants...
Mr Owen stretching out at Matt and Nicki's. The little stinker is rolling over all the time now. Big surprise because he started doing it at 3 months. He'll be crawling before I know it. Ron got this awesome shot of me and the kids. Love it to pieces because I'm always behind the camera. Plus with Owen in front I don't look so rolly ;) Only another 32lbs to go before I'm back to the pre-pregnancy weight. Slowly but surely.

Back to school pictures coming soon...

1 comment:

~Kennie~ said...

Fantastic pic of you and kids Rebecca! You look great! And congrats on the weightloss. It's too bad it doesn't come off as fast as it can come on eh? LOL