Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Some sneek peeks

Scrapbooking time has been very scarce lately. I've been busy with paperwork and just a bunch of stuff. Here are some sneeks of a class that I'm teaching at a crop next Friday.
This was the only layout that I've done for my own enjoyment. It was for a challenge over at I'm so excited to get back into teaching again!

Totally making good use of my Martha Stewart punches. Say what you want they are awesome tools!
I got a chance to work with some Heidi Swapp invisibles which are pretty cool.

Don't you just love my daughter's spelling? She's mixing up English and French spelling rules and throwing in a few of her own lol!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Love the teasers......and I looove how Abby spelled library, so cute! What a great idea to get her involved, I may have to scraplift that one ;)