Saturday, February 07, 2009

Offically additcted

That's the first step right? Admission. This past Wednesday my old computer bite the dust. I'm talking complete and total meltdown which took the last 2 months of pictures away from me. Ack! Hopefully they'll be saved later but I had to buy a new computer. I didn't realize how much I'd come to depend on my computer and really my link to the rest of the world. My routine in the morning hardly varies with me waking up to fresh brewed coffee (coffee timers rule!), filling up my cup and waltzing over to my computer to check emails, facebook, scrapbooking message boards and online stores (to window shop!) For the last few days I haven't been able to do that and I was almost panicy about it. So I scrapbooked while watching Star Trek.

Happily though I brought home a new computer last night. Shocked me how much computers have changed since I bought my first one 7 years ago. Loving windows Vista though, very cool but I still need to get used to it. Unfortunately I lost my photographs from my second week of lessons so I need to redo them. I'll post pictures later :)

Oh and I'm proud to admit that I have refrained from purchasing any scrapbooking supplies for 6 weeks!! That and I've decided that my mini albums count as 2 projects so I'm up to 35 already. Only 65 left to go. Hmmm maybe I should make a whole load of cards just to up my numbers ;)

1 comment:

cerbean said...

You are right...your gorgeous mini's should count as at least two creations! They are great!

It is so true about the computer. If I am away from it for more than a day or two I feel lost.