Sunday, January 03, 2010

Back into the swing of things

I'm finally starting to feel like my old self again after being so sick with a bad throat/sinus infection + cough. It seemed like this sicky season hung on for a very long time. I can't believe how much energy it sucks out of you to be sick. And how much energy you seem to have once you get better :) I was very happy to head over to my sister in law's on Saturday to scrapbook. It has felt so good to get back to doing what I love to do. I brought the November Memory Workshop kit and just printed out some photos and a tool kit. Sometimes its so freeing to limit yourself to a few supplies. I did bring some extra basic cardstock for myself just in case.
Very weird to use AC thickers again. I haven't really touched them since I got into the habit of using my cricut. It does require a bit more planning of titles and such because you are limited to a certain amout of letters.
I've got so many brads of all different colors that I decided that I need to use them up more. So I accented the scallop around my journalling block (circle) The white thickers didn't come from the kit, but my stash.
I did this layout at home and I did use my cricut to cut the squiggle from the calligraphy cartridge. I put pop up adhesive behind it and cut out the label style journalling block from a rectangle. I used the Scenic Route chipboard words as my title.
Love this photo! My cousin Adrienne took it ( Loved the little onesie that Owen had on that day. It came from The Children's Place and says "Chicks dig me" :)
This photo was taken on Christmas day and shows my kids at they're typical behaviors. I just love documenting stuff like this!


M Plamondon said...

Glad you are feeling better and scraping away! Can't wait for the class!

Rebecca said...

me too! I'm so excited to get started and teach again!

Sandra @ The Memory Workshop said...

I think my favourite thing is the 'squiggle' :)