Thursday, March 26, 2009

wow! 2 posts in one day

We just spent the afternoon at my sister-in-law's just playing, scrapbooking, eating and of course taking some pictures. Like I'd go anywhere without my camera ;) I was able to take advantage of her great light and this totally cool ancient rocking chair. I totally want one or something like it. If anyone finds one at a garage sale let me know! Anywhoo my little Owen is quite willing to sit and let his momma take pictures so I had fun. I'm pleased to say that I did this all in manual and my settings were 1/60ss, iso 400, f/5.6 I probably could have bumped up my shutter speed but I wanted to make sure that I could have a larger area in focus.
So which do you prefer? Black and white or color?
Ron and I go round and round on this...
Personally I love a good black and white but my wonderful dh loves all things color.
Probably part of his artistic nature. I mean how do you paint oils in black and white? I'm sure its been done and been lovely but not my husband.
So back to the question. Black and white or color? Course this baby is so cute that the answer could easily be both!
Look at those cheekies!!
Don't you just want to kiss and pinch them??
Love this baby smile.
Still no teeth though...10 months and counting.
you'd never guess that he loves to dump his toys out and throw them now.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Awesome chair!! Owen looks adorable, I love his little outfit :) You are so lucky, he always gives you so many facial expressions, and all of them so cute! I like the color ones more then the b&w I think.... :)