Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Happy and yes I do have other kids!

Guess what came??? Finally my new table and chairs!! Love them!! So anxious to redo other rooms. My little monkey is now kinda cruising around furniture and walls, he hangs on for dear life but its so cute :)
This was a quick picture and I love it even though its too dark.
Abby was so excited to get her new blanket made especially by my grandma which is so precious because my grandma is 86 and I don't know how many more she'll be able to make.

My kids had so much fun on their spring break playing outside with their dad.

Ethan was having a ball trying to hit his dad with snowballs while Ron was plowing out the driveway (yeah!) Love that I was able to capture this!

And its offical we have way too much snow! Getting to be a 4 letter word in this house ;)


M Plamondon said...

Love love your new table and fantastic snowball action shots.

Adrienne said...

Your table is beautiful Rebecca!! I LOOOOOOOOOVE those shots of Owen at the baby gate in his baby legs!!!! Cohen has a few pairs that might fit now, I should try them on before he outgrows them, where does the time go?? ;)