for your viewing pleasure...Owen's first fudgsicle...
*Lots of little tibits of happenings around here lately. Finally got some sunshine and they kids have been able to play on the deck. This has been a huge mood booster for me and the hubby. It's surprising just how much darkness, a.k.a. lack of sunshine can affect your mood.
*The sun has had another side effect. I've noticed how dirty my windows and walls are so I've been cleaning and reorganizing and decorating. Its been so refreshing to brighten up and spring-a-fy the house. Lots of spring green and orange/yellow combos around here.
*Picked a new paint color for our bedroom and am looking forward to refreshing our room as well. The terra cotta color has been there for almost 5 years and I've hated it for about 4.75 years now. Time for a change. Almost ready to tackle that project just needing the new blinds and a new semi-transparent stain for my furniture. Planning a total overhaul which feels *good*. Why is it that the master bedroom is always the last to be done? Is it that others don't really see it so its not deemed necessary?
*In other news I think Owen and I are going to be finishing up nursing. He only nurses at night before he goes to bed and has been sleeping through the night for the past 3 weeks so I'm loosing my milk supply and he needs more. He is almost 11 months so I'm ok with this. I've been able to nurse him longer than the other 2 and even through the boughts of thrush/mastitis I've enjoyed it so much. Although parts of me are sad that this might be coming to an end I think that I'm ready. I think that the sadness is just for the simple fact that he is growing up too fast. My baby is fast approaching his 1st birthday and to be honest I'm not ready for it.
*Abby had a pretty eventful day with loosing tooth #5 after supper. This poor girl better start getting in some teeth to replace those that are gone! She might be eating yogurt and scrambled eggs only soon. The kids are heading into the last 3 months of school (!) and poor Abby has had a ton of work to do before the school year is done. Because of a situation that is totally beyond our control her schoolling has been sporatic and this has taken a toll on her. Thankfully my Abby is up for the challenge and was ahead of her class significantly before this happened so with continual help from home she should be ok. It just sucks that this happened in Grade 1.
*My Ethan has just astounded me and made me so proud of him. In his first report card of the year there were some disappointing marks due to some organizational issues and just the fact that in Grade 5 the students are required to take a more active role in there learning. We gave continual support at home and worked with his teachers and I'm proud to say that on the second report card he brought up his marks considerablely and is now on the honor roll! Super proud momma here :) We've promised him a super surprise if he continues this to the end of grade 5.