Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year! & my word for the year

New Years' is typically a time to make resolutions and start fresh in many ways. Ali Edwards has started this one little word thing a few years ago and I've spent the last couple of days trying to decide on what my word should be. There were so many potential words, I mean come on the English languge is amazing. But I've decided on the word INSPRIRED. I know as a scrapbooker most people would say its just an easy one to to but let me explain.

This year I want
to be insprired to learn more
be insprired to teach more (to the children & adults around me)
be insprired keep things simple
be insprired to step out of my comfort zone more often
be insprired to tell more stories and record my memories
be insprired to be in the moment more
be insprired to reduce my clutter and resuse my stash
be insprired to use more wisdom

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