Monday, July 17, 2006

Our newest rescue

I never would have dreamed that we'd have a kitty. My husband has never been what you'd call a cat lover... in fact he has refused all contact with any member of the feline family since he was a small boy. However, he came home from visiting his parents with our kids and heard this tiny mewing in the bushes by our house. After an hour of coaxing, he welcomed this new little kitty into our house. When I came home from scrapbooking, I was greated by "can we have a kitty, daddy says its okay?" So welcome to the family Maxi.

Ethan is the one who named her. Before we knew she was a girl, her name was Max. When we discovered her gender, she became Maxi. It seems to fit her seeing how she has a letter M for a marking on her forehead. So now Ron is her favorite and everytime you pick her up she is purring away. Surprisingly she is very affectionate for a cat dispite Abby trying to maul her ;)

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Welcome to the world of Blogs! I love the picture of your new kitty! What a cutie...I think even I (NOT an animal lover) could enjoy cuddling this little thing! Heehee, hope you post a lot of pictures, and it's fun for others if you do post often. I have all the blogs I look at saved in my favorites, and check them daily. It's always interesting to read what's new in different people's lives. Have a good week Rebecca!