Monday, August 21, 2006

And its NOT a video game

What a great trip on Saturday. My dad took the whole family fishing up to Wapa lake. I was orginally planning on staying home with Abby and enjoying some carefree scrapbooking time but dad really wanted us to go. Ethan was even excited. Usually he gets so frustrated with fishing, the whole coordinating the casting and all. But he's been practicing on the lawn with a hookless fishing hook. He was getting the hang of it too. So we go fishing and low and behold I caught a fish! The first one...I have NEVER caught a fish in my life. But we threw him back. The day was pretty successful with Ethan catching 4!! He was so excited and just vibrating with the fishing mojo. He's still talking about it 2 days later. Glad that he's excited about something other than a video game. Plus Grandpa let him drive the boat. How cool was that?

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Nice pictures you got Rebecca :)